Pilots – Gulmarg Powder Guides https://gulmargpowderguides.com Ultimate Skiing Experience Fri, 01 Mar 2024 14:24:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 https://gulmargpowderguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/gpg-favicon-new-100x100.png Pilots – Gulmarg Powder Guides https://gulmargpowderguides.com 32 32 Erwin Schmerz https://gulmargpowderguides.com/teams/erwin-schmerz/ Fri, 21 Dec 2018 11:35:00 +0000 https://gulmargpowderguides.com/?post_type=slzexploore_team&p=89 Erwin is a Swiss Commercial Pilot. He loves outdoors, mountains, mountainbiking, skiing and especially doing such things with his family. He’s been involved in aviation since 1998, flying fixed wing and later as a helicopter mechanic. Flying helicopters since 2005, Erwin has exposure to a large variety of flying operations from the cold climate in the Canadian Yukon to tropical flying in the jungles and rugged highlands of West Papua. His favorite places to fly are the mountains however, so we’re excited to have him in Gulmarg. He’s logged a total of more than 2200h in helicopters.

Juerg Wegmüller https://gulmargpowderguides.com/teams/juerg-wegmuller/ Fri, 21 Dec 2018 11:34:02 +0000 https://gulmargpowderguides.com/?post_type=slzexploore_team&p=87 Juerg is a mountain person and a passionate pilot. He has been an active paraglider before he started his education as a helicopter mechanic in 1993. He is flying helicopters for twenty years, seventeen of them as a commercial pilot. Besides his flight experience in airplanes, Juerg has logged more than 6.000 flight hours in helicopter cockpits with tasks ranging from supplying goods to remote alpine huts to scenery flights with film crews and many more duties. He is rated as a flight instructor and trains pilots in high mountain and glacier landings. That’s why he has accumulated an impressive number of close to 15.000 high mountain landings.

As a real Swiss, Juergs second passion lies in all mountainous regions of the world. As an experienced mountaineer and skier from early age on, you will find him in the mountains most of the time – be it by foot, by skiers or up in the air.

Reto Mueller https://gulmargpowderguides.com/teams/reto-mueller/ Fri, 21 Dec 2018 11:32:29 +0000 https://gulmargpowderguides.com/?post_type=slzexploore_team&p=85 We’re excited to have Captain Reto Mueller from Switzerland with us this year. He is an extremely accomplished pilot coming from a family of big aviators he acquired his first Licence at just 15 on fixed wings and his favourite helicopter. Reaching 10`000 Hours total flight time this season.

Reto loves the mountains and when not flying he can be found ski touring, climbing, mountain biking, paragliding, of course ski and snowboarding.
